XYZ Gallery would like to extend our submission deadline for Silent Night.
We would like to invite you to participate in our silent auction by
contributing your artwork to sell in our gallery. For only $10 you can sell as
much artwork as you wish during the event! You can choose to keep all of
the profits, or donate a portion of your profits to XYZ. This is a wonderful
opportunity to showcase your talents, contribute to the community, and of
course, make some money for yourself before the holidays! It is also a
great chance for you to buy gifts for others.
Please extend this offer to all your friends, professors, and family, as we
hope to make this event an annual success!
New deadline for submission: December 6, 2010 to
Directions to e-mail submissions:
Please include:
· ‘Silent Night Submission’ in the subject line of each e-mail
· Each work in jpeg format
· Name, local address, phone, e-mail
· Title, year, medium, dimensions
· Estimated Value and Minimum Bid (One third to one half of the estimated value recommended)
· How much of your profit you would like to contribute to the XYZ Gallery (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%--No Pressure!)
We are accepting artwork of all media--painting, drawing, photography, screent printing, jewelry, clothing, graphic design, metal work, ceramics, sculpture, and other forms--and from all artists!
We are accepting artwork of all media--painting, drawing, photography, screent printing, jewelry, clothing, graphic design, metal work, ceramics, sculpture, and other forms--and from all artists!
Selected artworks must be delivered READY TO HANG OR DISPLAYED!!!
After the auction, artists will be notified by e-mail by December 15, with the sale price of artwork and directions for reimbursement. Unsold artwork can either be donated to the XYZ Gallery or picked up at the same location as drop-off. If artwork is unclaimed within three weeks of notification, it will become property of XYZ Gallery!
Thank you for your interest and support of XYZ Gallery!